Trademark India TradeMark,Trademark information 14. Which forms are to be filed while making a trademark application?

14. Which forms are to be filed while making a trademark application?

Form 48 and TM-A are two important forms that need to be filed while making a trademark application in India. Here’s some more information on these forms:

Form 48: This form is a power of attorney that authorizes a trademark attorney to file the trademark application on behalf of the applicant. The form must be signed by the applicant and submitted along with the trademark application.

TM-A: This is the application form for trademark registration in India. It must be filed online through the official website of the Trademark Registry, and all required details about the trademark owner, trademark itself, and the goods or services for which the trademark is being registered must be provided.

In addition to these forms, other documents such as identity proof, address proof, and incorporation certificate (if applicable) must also be submitted as part of the trademark application process. It is recommended to seek assistance from a trademark attorney to ensure that all necessary forms and documents are submitted correctly and in a timely manner.

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