Trademark India TradeMark,Trademark information 3. What is Trademark Class?

3. What is Trademark Class?

The International Classification of Goods and Services, also known as the Nice Classification, is an international system used to classify goods and services for the purposes of registering trademarks. The system includes 45 classes, with classes 1-34 covering goods and classes 35-45 covering services.

When applying for a trademark, it’s important to specify the class or classes of goods or services that the trademark will be used for. This helps to ensure that the trademark is registered for the specific types of goods or services that the owner intends to use it for, and also helps to avoid confusion with similar trademarks used for different types of goods or services.

It’s worth noting that if a trademark is registered for a specific class of goods or services, it does not automatically provide protection for that trademark in other classes. If the owner of the trademark wants to use the same trademark for other classes of goods or services, they would need to apply for registration in those additional classes.

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