Trademark India TradeMark,Trademark information 9. What is the validity of Trademark registration?

9. What is the validity of Trademark registration?

In most countries, including India, where the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDTM) is responsible for managing trademarks, registered trademarks are initially valid for a period of 10 years from the date of filing of the trademark application.

After the initial 10-year period, the owner of the registered trademark may apply for renewal of the registration to keep the trademark protection current. The renewal application must be filed before the expiry of the current registration period. In India, the renewal application can be filed within six months before the expiration of the registration period, or within six months after the expiration of the registration period with a late fee.

The renewal of a trademark registration is generally granted for a further period of 10 years from the date of expiration of the previous registration period, provided that the renewal application meets all the requirements and no objections or oppositions are raised by third parties.

It’s important for trademark owners to keep track of the renewal deadlines and file the renewal application in a timely manner to avoid losing the trademark protection. Failure to renew a trademark registration could result in the loss of exclusive rights to use the trademark and expose the owner to infringement claims by third parties.

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