Trademark India TradeMark Classes Comprehensive list of goods that can be registered under trade mark class 8

Comprehensive list of goods that can be registered under trade mark class 8

Trademark Class 8 is specifically for hand tools and implements used in various trades. The following is a comprehensive list of goods that can be registered under this class:

  • Hand-operated tools and implements for various trades, including agriculture, horticulture, and forestry
  • Hand-operated cutting tools, including knives, scissors, and shears
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the construction industry, including hammers, screwdrivers, and saws
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the automotive industry, including wrenches and pliers
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the woodworking industry, including chisels and planes
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the metalworking industry, including drills and taps
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the textile industry, including scissors and shears
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the food and beverage industry, including can openers and corkscrews
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the packaging industry, including box cutters and staple guns
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for cleaning, including brooms and mops
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for personal grooming, including razors and nail clippers
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for gardening and landscaping, including shovels and rakes
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the leather and shoe industry, including knives and punches
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the paper industry, including scissors and paper cutters
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the plastics industry, including knives and scissors
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the medical and dental industries, including scalpels and forceps
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the jewelry industry, including pliers and tweezers
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the musical instrument industry, including tuners and picks
  • Hand-operated tools and implements for the fishing and hunting industries, including fishing rods and knives

It’s important to note that this list is not exhaustive and that there may be other products that fall under this class. It’s always best to seek legal advice if you’re unsure whether your product falls under this class.

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