Trademark India TradeMark Classes Comprehensive list of goods that can be registered under trade mark class 19

Comprehensive list of goods that can be registered under trade mark class 19

Trademark Class 19 includes the following goods:

  1. Building materials (non-metallic)
  2. Non-metallic rigid pipes for building
  3. Asphalt, pitch, and bitumen
  4. Non-metallic transportable buildings
  5. Monuments, not of metal
  6. Cement
  7. Plaster
  8. Non-metallic minerals for building or construction
  9. Stone
  10. Marble
  11. Slate
  12. Sandstone
  13. Granite
  14. Limestone
  15. Non-metallic tiles and mosaics
  16. Non-metallic chimneys
  17. Non-metallic fireproofing materials
  18. Non-metallic structures for climbing walls
  19. Non-metallic statues
  20. Non-metallic columns
  21. Non-metallic balustrades
  22. Non-metallic partitions
  23. Non-metallic frames for building
  24. Non-metallic windows
  25. Non-metallic doors
  26. Non-metallic shutters
  27. Non-metallic blinds for buildings
  28. Non-metallic cladding for buildings
  29. Non-metallic fences
  30. Non-metallic railings for balconies and staircases
  31. Non-metallic swimming pools
  32. Non-metallic garden sheds
  33. Non-metallic greenhouses
  34. Non-metallic birdhouses
  35. Non-metallic doghouses

It should be noted that this list is not exhaustive and is meant to provide a general idea of the types of goods that can be registered under Trademark Class 19. It is always best to consult with a trademark attorney or agent to determine the appropriate class for your goods and services.

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