Trademark India TradeMark Classes Comprehensive list of services that can be registered under trade mark class 45

Comprehensive list of services that can be registered under trade mark class 45

Trademark Class 45 includes various services related to personal and social activities, legal services, security services, and social services. Here is a comprehensive list of services that can be registered under Trademark Class 45:

  1. Personal and social activities, namely, providing social introductions, dating services, matrimonial services, funeral services, personal concierge services, social escort services, personal shopping services, and chaperoning services.
  2. Legal services, namely, legal research and analysis, legal document preparation, legal consultation, legal document drafting, legal advocacy services, legal representation, and legal arbitration services.
  3. Security services, namely, security consultancy, security guarding, security surveillance, personal security services, and security alarm monitoring services.
  4. Social services, namely, charitable services, community service, human rights advocacy services, welfare services, and crisis intervention services.
  5. Personal background investigation services, namely, personal background checks and investigations, pre-employment background checks, and background screening services.
  6. Licensing services, namely, licensing of intellectual property, licensing of software, licensing of patents, licensing of trademarks, and licensing of copyrights.
  7. Personal property protection services, namely, intellectual property protection services, patent licensing services, and trademark registration services.
  8. Detective and investigative services, namely, detective agencies, private investigation services, and background investigation services.
  9. Identity verification services, namely, identity verification and authentication services, and identification services.
  10. Legal and regulatory compliance services, namely, compliance auditing, regulatory compliance consulting, and regulatory compliance management.
  11. Security risk assessment services, namely, security risk assessment and management services, security risk analysis, and security risk mitigation services.
  12. Security screening services, namely, security screening and risk assessment, and security screening for individuals and organizations.
  13. Mediation and dispute resolution services, namely, conflict resolution, mediation services, and arbitration services.
  14. Personal protection and safety services, namely, bodyguard services, personal protection services, and safety consulting services.
  15. Personal safety and security services, namely, personal safety consulting services, personal safety training, and safety equipment installation services.

This is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other services that can be registered under Trademark Class 45 as well. It is recommended to consult with a trademark attorney to determine whether a particular service can be registered under this class.

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