Trademark India TradeMark,Trademark information 7. When is the TM Mark used?

7. When is the TM Mark used?

Once a trademark application is filed with the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks in India, the applicant is entitled to use the “TM” symbol next to their trademark. The “TM” symbol indicates that the trademark is being used as a trademark and that the owner has claimed rights to it.

The use of the “TM” symbol does not mean that the trademark is registered or that the registration process has been completed. It simply indicates that the trademark has been applied for and is being used as a trademark.

Once the trademark is registered, the owner can use the registered trademark symbol “®” next to their trademark. The use of the registered trademark symbol indicates that the trademark is registered and that the owner has exclusive rights to use it for the specified goods or services.

It’s worth noting that the use of the TM or ® symbols is not mandatory in India. However, it is a common practice and can help to establish the owner’s claim to the trademark and deter others from using the same or similar marks.

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