Trademark India TradeMark Classes Comprehensive list of goods that can be registered under trade mark class 22

Comprehensive list of goods that can be registered under trade mark class 22

Trademark Class 22 includes the following goods:

  1. Ropes, strings, and twines
  2. Nets, tents, and awnings
  3. Tarpaulins, sails, and sacks
  4. Padding and stuffing materials, except rubber or plastics
  5. Raw fibrous textile materials
  6. Bailing twine
  7. Fishing nets
  8. Hammocks
  9. Tents
  10. Awnings
  11. Awnings made of textile materials
  12. Sails
  13. Bags, including duffel bags, tote bags, and backpacks
  14. Textile bags for packaging
  15. Garment bags for travel
  16. Sleeping bags for camping
  17. Cushions and pillows
  18. Mosquito nets
  19. Banners
  20. Flags, not of metal
  21. Wrapping or binding bands, not of metal
  22. Raw jute and raw cotton

It should be noted that this list is not exhaustive and is meant to provide a general idea of the types of goods that can be registered under Trademark Class 22. It is always best to consult with a trademark attorney or agent to determine the appropriate class for your goods and services.

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