Trademark India TradeMark Classes Comprehensive list of goods that can be registered under trade mark class 7

Comprehensive list of goods that can be registered under trade mark class 7

Trademark Class 7 is specifically for machines, machine tools, and industrial equipment. The following is a comprehensive list of goods that can be registered under this class:

  • Agricultural machines and implements, including tractors and harvesters
  • Machines and equipment for the food and beverage industry, including mixers, grinders, and slicers
  • Packaging machines and equipment
  • Printing machines and equipment
  • Textile machines and equipment
  • Machines and equipment for the paper industry, including printers, cutters, and folders
  • Machines and equipment for the woodworking industry
  • Metalworking machines and equipment, including lathes and milling machines
  • Machines and equipment for the plastic industry, including extruders and injection molding machines
  • Machines and equipment for the construction industry, including bulldozers, excavators, and cranes
  • Machines and equipment for the mining industry, including drills and crushers
  • Machines and equipment for the energy industry, including turbines and generators
  • Machines and equipment for the automotive industry, including assembly lines and testing machines
  • Machines and equipment for the aviation industry, including aircraft engines and parts
  • Machines and equipment for the shipping industry, including ships and boats
  • Engines and motors, including internal combustion engines and electric motors
  • Compressors and pumps, including air compressors and hydraulic pumps
  • Power tools, including drills and saws
  • Welding machines and equipment
  • Lifting and handling machines, including forklifts and cranes
  • Industrial robots and manipulators
  • Filters and separators, including air filters and oil separators
  • Material handling equipment, including conveyors and elevators
  • Cleaning machines and equipment, including vacuum cleaners and pressure washers
  • Industrial furnaces and ovens
  • Chillers and air conditioners for industrial use
  • Laboratory machines and equipment, including scientific instruments and measuring devices
  • Medical and dental machines and equipment, including X-ray machines and dental drills

It’s important to note that this list is not exhaustive and that there may be other products that fall under this class. It’s always best to seek legal advice if you’re unsure whether your product falls under this class.

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