Trademark India TradeMark Classes Comprehensive list of services that can be registered under trade mark class 43

Comprehensive list of services that can be registered under trade mark class 43

Trademark Class 43 includes the following services:

  1. Hotel and restaurant services
  2. Catering services
  3. Bar services
  4. Café services
  5. Providing temporary accommodation and lodging services
  6. Reservation and booking services for temporary accommodation
  7. Rental of meeting rooms and conference facilities
  8. Providing campground and RV park facilities
  9. Providing spa and beauty treatment services
  10. Arranging travel tours and sightseeing excursions
  11. Providing information about travel and tourism
  12. Services for the provision of food and drink in connection with airplanes, trains, and other transportation vehicles
  13. Providing information about hotels, restaurants, and bars

It should be noted that this list is not exhaustive and is meant to provide a general idea of the types of services that can be registered under Trademark Class 43. It is always best to consult with a trademark attorney or agent to determine the appropriate class for your goods and services.

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